Wednesday, May 25, 2011

drink deep.

Hands raised, eyes fixed, empty bowl lifted high, waiting to be filled…

His feet have barely hit the ground.  He comes into the kitchen, running.  Grabs the closest bowl he can find, even if it’s pink.  Looks to me and raises his bowl, empty.  Waits for his cereal, his daily bread.
He knows where to come every morning to be nourished, satisfied.

Could there be a more fitting reminder for me each morning?

God is so gracious. 

Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who trust in Him!
psalm 34.8
We often don’t enjoy the experience at hand because we’re so caught up 
with reaching out for the next one…
The secret to awakening joy is 
being present with whatever part of life 
we’re tasting right now. 
James Baraz & Shoshana Alexander
Drink deep, friends, whatever part of life you're tasting right now.


  1. a much needed reminder. thank you, Sara.

  2. thank YOU, heather!
    great to hear from you - how are your boys?
