Wednesday, November 23, 2011

counting on...

Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him, 
so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught.  Let your lives overflow for all He has done.  
Colossians 2.7

Just last night, I was knelt by his bed, working through "life stuff" with our eldest.  He was asking me how to leave a hurt in the past and not let it get to him anymore.  Such big stuff for an 8 year old to work through, especially when his 33 year old mama asks the same thing.  Praying for words, I told him that when it comes to mind, to ask God to help you let it go and focus on all we have to be thankful for.  That when we choose to stew over past hurts, that which brings us down, the life is sucked right out of us.  But when we turn to count the ways He has provided and blessed, we can rise above.  
As the praises overflow, we are overwhelmed by His care.
I don't know if it's this simple, but it can't hurt to take a few lessons from stevia.  The plant I thought was done.  Put it in the basement for the winter.  Only to see sweetness springing from its roots.  It cannot shut up!  Rain or shine, dark basement or summer day, past abandonment or present victory, it's gonna sing the sweet praises of its Creator.  And shouldn't we do the same...
Counting on because we know Who we can count on. 
- Ann Voskamp

603. our thankful tree filling with leaves, hearts overflowing with thanks
604. "our worm warm hous" {makes me smile everytime}

605. inside picnic lunches
606. getting to be with my boys!
607. after-school checkers
608. trail mix cookies {recipe next week, promise!} for all who gather here after school
609. sharing a pomegranate on a Sunday afternoon
610. a life group that laughs until it hurts :), bears one another's burdens, peers into our souls and speaks truth into our lives
611. cards in the mail full of blessings and sweet words
612. boys writing "thank you's" for those blessings
613. hot date with a brazilian guy
614. how he loves
615. biaggi's and their gluten-free menu
616. a saint offering to watch our boys for us
617. 9 kids gathered in our living room on a Saturday morning for a "worshiping God club" led by a 7 year old
618. that 7 year old on the couch, explaining to our neighbor Who is King
619. the joy of giving gifts of compassion {because God so loved the world, He gave...}
620. coffee with a dear friend on a rainy afternoon
621. His constant care and provision
622. calls to my mom for recipe questions {my kitchen-help hotline}
623. gluten-free pumpkin pie {half canned pumpkin, half pureed butternut squash, and it's delicious!}
624. late-night thanksgiving cooking to the electric guitar jam session in our living room
625. For Thyself, best Gift Divine,
        to the world so freely given,
        for that great, great love of Thine,
        peace on earth, and joy in heaven: 
        Lord of all, to Thee we raise
        this our hymn of grateful praise.

Wishing you all a wonder-full thanks-giving!!
We are truly blessed.
May our lives overflow!

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