We made it! Thanks for venturing with me. This is the fourth (and final, for now) adventure in trimming your home with what you already have lying around.
.: make do :.--part four --
We replaced 36 windows in this house. ThiRty-SiX! You may have noticed I have a hard time throwing anything away...especially old windows. We gave some away, kept some for other projects (some garden box greenhouses), made a wipe board in our kitchen,
and hopefully one of these in our near future backyard...
and hopefully one of these in our near future backyard...
But for now, we did this...
We'll fill that bottom right picture with something, as soon as I figure out what. I'm thinking a collage of faces from places that grip our heart {Brazil, Cambodia, PNG, etc}. So far, a print from Nikki McClure, some family pics taken by the lovely Kari McG and Micah 6.8 is perfect.
You see, the thing I like most about this is that it reminds me that mama bird doesn't build her nest to blog about it...but to fill her nest with loved ones. To make a comfortable place for *all* to gather. It's so not about the stuff. That will all pass away some day. Yes, we press on to finish this house so it doesn't remain on our to-do list for the next 10 years as something we should be doing...
We'll fill that bottom right picture with something, as soon as I figure out what. I'm thinking a collage of faces from places that grip our heart {Brazil, Cambodia, PNG, etc}. So far, a print from Nikki McClure, some family pics taken by the lovely Kari McG and Micah 6.8 is perfect.
You see, the thing I like most about this is that it reminds me that mama bird doesn't build her nest to blog about it...but to fill her nest with loved ones. To make a comfortable place for *all* to gather. It's so not about the stuff. That will all pass away some day. Yes, we press on to finish this house so it doesn't remain on our to-do list for the next 10 years as something we should be doing...
I look back on my week and all the beautiful faces that have gathered in our home...the neighbor boy who runs to our house after school and waits on our porch to be welcomed in for a snack and play as long as I will let him...those with whom we have zumba-ed...sat on basement floors chatting while kiddos played...eaten quesadillas or drank coffee sharing struggles and joys and life...met to pray together in the midnight hours at starbucks...field-tripped to the planetarium...
This is what matters.
The projects have been fun. The nesting is rewarding.
But, lives are what lasts.
This is where we want to invest.
Happy weekend-ing!
Invest well, friends.
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice,
to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God.
micah 6.8