Saturday, December 10, 2011

still unwrapping

I first want to say thanks for your grace in my last post.  Those thoughts are not new to my mouth.  They usually come out over canning peaches with my mom or a cup of coffee with a friend or many a night on the couch with my love.  The ongoing questions of how to wrap our minds around the need.  How to live here in light of the rest of the world.

It seems the more we ask what to do, the more I think that maybe it is not so much about finding *the* answer, but about doing the asking.  If there were some sort of checklist of what we should or should not have and how much we should give, why would we ever need to seek the heart of the Author, the Creator, the Sustainer?  And maybe He created it that way so that we would come.  Because in the coming, there’s so much more that is revealed than where our money goes.  As we ask for eyes to see the need and the heart to reach out, it becomes so much more than sending a check and checking off the list.  It is gut-searching, soul-revealing, Spirit-refining, seeking the heart of this loving Father, selfless Savior, who spared nothing.  Who so graciously lavished.   

I have been reading Mother Teresa's thoughts this week.  Talk about a lady whose drop in the ocean is still creating tidal waves of love and justice.  One phrase has stuck out to me, as I muse about these things:

Live simply so others may simply live.

I could go on and on...but it's a conversation that's better over coffee or by the fire...
some scenes from our weekend-ing

Next up...flourless nutella cake.
'Cuz I haven't figured out how to include it in this post.
Not that it's wrong to enjoy a slice of cake.  It just seems more Marie Antoinette than Mother Teresa {although I am sure Mother T would have loved this cake.} So, stay tuned :)


  1. Sara, so much of this post resonates with me. I have been praying and thinking and pondering and struggling with all the thoughts about Christmas and need and gifts and guilt. And one of the things that has struck me to the core is that it begins in my heart with the honest struggling and grappling. I'm still wrestling, but I'm hoping to continually be wrestling to some extent. Anyway, your words encourage my heart. And also, I love your banner. I may have to make one like it myself! :)

  2. Oh Heather, Thanks so much for your thoughts. It is so good to know we are not alone in this, isn't it?
    P.S. Glad you like it - go right ahead :)
